Friday, May 15, 2020

Q. Can I send you fan mail?

First off, how cool that you want to write Mo!
There are many incorrect Mo Willems fan mail addresses on the internet.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we are unable to receive physical mail. 
If you would like to send Mo an e-mail, please ask a grown-up to write to:
We cannot guarantee that Mo will be able to personally respond to your e-mails, but every e-mail will receive a reply & link to a special download.

(Teachers: please do not use social media to invite Mo to attend events, skype, etc. via twitter with your students. This will only lead to unnecessary disappointment as Mr. Willems' social media accounts are neither monitored nor a forum to conduct business.)

Questions regarding rights/permissions? Contact the Wernick & Pratt agency.

NOTE: Any mail arriving to Mr. Willems' private residence is not opened.